Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today's reading:  Judges 7-11

From the account of Jephtaph, the great warrior of Gilead

"...Why do you come to me now that you're in trouble?  Because we need you, they replied..."  Judges 11:7-8 NLT

Know anyone who chose not to recognize God until they were in dire straits?

Know of a person who decided to wait until the last minute, or last breath, to call on the name of Jesus?

Know folks who are saving God, and His power and love, like one would a one-time use 'Get-Out-Of-Jail Free' card?

Do you know any of them personally?  As in, intimately personally?

We need Him now.  On the best of days.  When the sun is shining.  When things are going smoothly.  When we're not in an emergency.  When we're not desperate.  When we're believing things to be OK.

We need Him now!   

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