Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 21-25

"Jonathan went to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith to God." 1 Samuel 23:16 NLT

I find this verse to be convicting.

Sure Jonathan and David were very dear friend, but do you realize the odds Jonathan went against in order to strengthen David's walk with God?

-He went against his father, King Saul.

-He left the army of fighting men whose intention was to find and kill David.

-He went out into the wilderness to locate David. The wilderness, folks. Without GPS tracking, without cell phones, without an all terrain vehicle of any sort.

Just to encourage David in his faith.

And I can't make a phone call?

Or drop a note in the mailbox?

Or send an email?

Or walk across the church parking lot?

Or muster up enough nerve to introduce myself to a new Christian in our church?

I know, as I'm sure Jonathan knew, just what it's like to need and receive encouragement in your faith walk...how it can make all the difference, how it can push you forward, how it can re-ignite the spark, how it can turn a rough day into one that you just know if straight from God's hand.

I want to look for ways to encourage someone in their faith today!

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