Friday, November 27, 2015

Today's reading: Malachi

"I am the Lord, and I do not change..." Malachi 3:6 NLT

Maybe your Thanksgiving table was different this year.

-A new addition to the family, little or big.
-A seat that was empty this year.
-A tension in the air that was never there before.
-A peace falling over the home where you celebrated that is new to the scene.

No matter how, there is probably some way your holiday is different from last year's.

Isn't it reassuring to know God doesn't change?

He's the same God who blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

He's requiring the same allegiance from us as He did from Gideon.

He's changing lives today just as beautifully as He changed Saul's.

He's touching people.

He's accepting people.

He's still holy--and we cannot approach Him but through the blood of Jesus.

Nothing has changed about God.

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