Friday, January 19, 2024

Today's reading: Job 5-6

"All I want is a reasonable answer--then I will keep quiet. Tell me, what have I done wrong?" Job 6:24 NLT

The question is as old as time...Why do bad things happen to good, even godly, people?

Our friend Job is seeking an answer to that very question in regards to the loss of his family, his flocks and his footing of faith.


Why did God allow it?

What did I do wrong that would cause such discipline?

Who does God think I am to be able to stand under such pressure?

Been there? Done that?

I think the answer that has been determined, mined out, settled on this this: God does as He pleases in an effort to bring more people to Him.

His ways are much broader in scope than ours.

His vision reaches much farther than our self-focused eyes can see.

His plan far surpasses the grandest ones we can dream up.

So, for those of us asking--What have I done wrong to deserve such?

Maybe, just maybe, it's not at all about you.

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