Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14

"So the Lord sent Nathan the prophet to tell David this story:.." 2 Samuel 12:1 NLT

This begins the account of Nathan talking to David about David's sin against the Lord in regards to Bathsheba.

It was a tough role for Nathan, as he didn't know how the king might react to his words.

But Nathan was obedient.

Nathan, I believe, was prayed up.

Nathan allowed God to give him the right words, the right story, the right way to open David's ears.

Nathan went into this interaction knowing ONLY God can change hearts.

Thinking about David's Nathan, has me thinking about the Nathan's God places in my life.

(I'm talking God-sent Nathan's, not Sister So-And-So with condemning words or Brother So-And-So with opinions and controlling character traits. God allows both in our lives. Each for specific reasons and particular lessons to learn about godliness in our lives.)

But the folks God sends to re-direct my heart...

The people whose lives are in step with the Lord in all areas...

The Christian brothers and sisters who are obedient to Him and love me...

Do I listen to them? Do I heed their warnings? Their suggestions? Their loving attempts to point out sins in my life?

What about the Nathan's in your own life?

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