Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today's reading:  Job 41-42

"I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes."  Job 42:5 NLT

We find in Job chapter one that Job is a godly man.  One who walks with integrity and fear of the Lord.

We find in this verse Job stating, in his own words, he only thought he knew God before his calamities and trials!

It's only after a storm that we know the refuge He offers.

It's only after an illness we realize His healing powers.

It's only after a dark valley we realize the light in His ways.

It's only after our faith is tested we realize His faithfulness.

It's only after everyone else has left us, hurt us or forsaken us we realize His love.

Job's relationship with God only got better after trying times...only you can determine that yours will too.      

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