Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today's reading: 1 Peter 1-3
The 'farmers' on this little spot of land have been hard at work building fence. And truth be told, the whole process seems a little more romanticized and simple reading it in a Louis L'Amour novel or watching John Wayne go about it in one of the westerns he's starred in!
But what's confounded me the most? What's made me scratch my head in wonderment? What's caused me the most questions? The animals walk the entire length of their new pasture looking for a way to escape!
They have all they need within the confines our their new home. Food and water are provided. Shelter, warm and cozy shelter I might add, have been provided. Good sturdy wire has been installed to keep predators, their enemies, out. And yet they look for breaks in the fence or weak spot in the wire!
Spiritual, isn't it?
God has given us parameters, borders, boundaries and rules to keep us safe, walking close beside Him and a guaranteed eternity--and we busy ourselves looking for loopholes, pushing the limits and wondering why we're struggling at what He intends to be enjoyable.
Fences? Are you fighting them or enjoying the freedom they provide you?

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