Friday, August 12, 2011

Today's reading: Daniel 1-6

"Look! Nebuchadnezzar shouted. I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!" Daniel 3:25 NLT

Never, before this morning, had I stopped to ponder the depths of this verse. An over forty-year span of hearing the 'Daniel story' and just now, this gem is uncovered...

Do others see evidence of my Heavenly Shadow in all things I do? Do they catch a glimpse of my Redeemer holding my hand during the storms? Do they see my Comforter walking me through he dark valleys? Do they see God's shadow over me in the deserts of temptation and trial? Do they see a reflection of Him in my eyes on the sunniest of days? Are they noticing His presence in my speech, my actions, my attempts to serve?

Or do they just see me? Flailing? Struggling? Gasping and grasping?

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