Sunday, September 17, 2017

Today's reading: Philemon

"Yes, dear brother, please do me this favor for the Lord's sake..." Philemon v20 NLT

I'd never really thought about it until this morning.

This entire book...

 All twenty-five verses of it...

This one, to two-page segment of the Holy Bible...

This ordained by God, written by the pen of man, portion of the Scriptures...

Is about one simple request:

Be kind and loving to another.

God finds His people being kind to others so important that He gave a book of His most prized words just to the topic.

Be kind.

To the people who have wronged you, the people who have hurt you, the people who don't deserve our kindness, the people who don't care if we like them or not.

He asks us to be kind--it's a favor we can do for Him.

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