Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Today's reading: Esther 6-10

"So on March 7 the two decrees of the king were put into effect. On that day, the enemies of the Jews had hoped to destroy them, but quite the opposite happened." Esther 9:1 NLT

Not to be a Debbie-Downer, but you have enemy who wants to destroy you.

Not just cripple your efforts.

Or rob some of your joy.

Or make you doubt.

He wants to destroy you.

And you, hear me out, are the one who will--or will not--let it happen.

That's right.

Will your enemy's attempts at destroying you succeed or will they make you stronger?

Stronger in your faith.

Stronger in your godly character.

Stronger in your belief in the promises of God.

Stronger in your witness to others.

Stronger in your defiance against all things enemy-scented.

Our enemy hopes to destroy us, but quite the opposite can happen!

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