Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Today's reading: Psalm 107-111

"Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails." Psalm 111:3 NLT

I know it says, 'everything', Lord--but 'everything'?

I'm going to need Your help with this...

Because not everything looks like it comes from You.

Not all circumstances fall into a category one might describe as revealing Your glory.

Not all things that come along in my day are nice.

But You allow them, don't You?

Some to show me Your righteousness in the rear view mirror of life.

Some to draw me closer to You as I trust You through it.

Some to remind me that this world is not my home and there is heaven awaiting me.

Remind me, Lord, that You are in it all.

Give me eyes to look past the unloveliness of this life and into Your greatness.

Strengthen me as I wait for You to change the circumstances--or change my heart about them.

Please--and thank You.

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