Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 33-36

"Josiah...did not turn aside from doing what was right." 2 Chronicles 34:1-2 NLT

Josiah, though a young man, chose to do what was right. What was godly. What was commanded by the Lord.

He did not lean towards comfort.

He did not bend towards popularity.

He did not bow to tolerance.

He did not twist the truths of God.

He heard what God asked of him.

He recalled what God's Word said he must do.

He sought the Lord in his leadership.

Can the same be said of us?

Are we setting our course towards obedience--no matter the cost?

Are we determining to follow the Lord--whether we go it alone or with others?

Are we putting blinders on ourselves so that we are not distracted by all the world offers?

We cannot turn from doing what is right.

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