Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Today's reading: John 20-21

"Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in." John 20:11 NLT

While she was crying, she continued to look for Jesus.

Still in mourning, she sought Him.

In grief, she searched for her Savior.

Do we do the same?

Or do we just sit and wait for Him to come to us?

Do we curl up in the fetal position and cry ourselves to sleep waiting for His rescue--again?

Maybe we should be grasping for Him with our last bit of hope.

Or fighting for Him with our ounce of energy.

Or looking earnestly for Him through our teary eyes.

Or running after Him even with our fists clenched and our minds clouded with questions.

No matter what, we should be looking for Him--because He promises to be found! 

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