Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Today's reading: Psalm 45-47

"You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." Psalm 45:7 NLT

Christian brother and sister,

Are you making a difference in your part of the world?

Are you bringing light to dark rooms?

Peace to chaotic situations?

Love to the unlovely?

Joy to circumstances that are dull, drear and devoid?

My Bible tells me, in this very verse, that we who are His, have been anointed.

Anointed for our individual missions--and our corporate mission.

Anointed to change the world--where we live and where we work.

Anointed to be a difference.

Our anointing makes us set apart. Unique. Odd, in the best of terms. Selected for service. 

As His, you are anointed. Are you living it out?

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