Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Today's reading: 2 Kings 21-25

"...We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do." 2 Kings 22:13 NLT

'You tell 'em, God! Get on those unsaved heathen! Oh boy, am I glad I'm not one of them!'

Then I re-read the passage.

King Josiah was talking to the church folk. The pew-sitters. The temple attenders. The religious ones.


You, too...if you are a Bible-believing, saved-by-the-blood, active-part-of-your-local-church kind of Christian.

We're not doing what He asks of us in His Word.

The commands.

The rules.

The suggestions that lead to an abundant life and draws others to Him.

The instructions given to promote growth, unity and an explosion of His great love for the world.

We're not doing what this Book tells us.


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