Thursday, February 7, 2013

Today's reading:  Job 11-12

"He floods the darkness with light, he brings light to the deepest gloom."  Job 12:22 NLT

Last night I presented one of my favorite lessons of the year to our little guys at church.  It was the lesson about heaven and I truly love watching their eyes light up with excitement and awe as we present to them what heaven is like and what all God is preparing for us there.

I love the twinkle in their eyes when they find out their great big new house in heaven won't need a bedroom or a bed because it's daytime all the time!

The little girls, much more than the little boys, are excited to hear about the crowns God will give us to show we are His children. 

I adore watching the smile creep across their face when they hear that no one will get hurt, sick or even need medicine in heaven!  No one, not even their grandparents, will need canes, wheelchairs or glasses in heaven!

I giggle as we list all the things we'll do in heaven since we won't have to take naps or have a bedtime!

I watch their eyebrows raise in doubt as I tell them that everyone in heaven will love each other.  That there will be no yelling or fighting, no one will hurt our feelings and no one will ever do unkind things.   

Their hearts and eyes fill with wonder as we discuss the hope of heaven...I guess I'm a kid at heart because I'm as thrilled as they are!

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