Monday, May 19, 2014

Today's reading:  Exodus 29-32

"When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away the people went to Aaron.  Look, they said, make us some gods who can lead us..."  Exodus 32:1 NLT

Just how much time should one allot to a man of God receiving the Ten Commandments?  How long should it take?  How many hours, days, weeks?

Hard to say, isn't it?

The Israelites had determined that the length of time Moses was with God on the mountain, was too long.  They wanted Aaron to step in and make them something to worship.

Shame on them, you say?

Shame on us, for doing the exact same thing!

We place God on a timetable of our own making.  We give Him a specified time in order to do His work and when that deadline passes without a miracle, we're on to other gods--ourselves, our plans, our ways.

We pray expecting an answer to immediately follow our 'Amen'.  When it doesn't happen as we believe it should, our faith wobbles, weakens and walks off the straight and narrow path.

Oh, I know we've not built golden calves for our worshipping pleasure--but we have our own idols, don't we?    

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