Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 35:20-36:23, Romans 3:27-4:25, Psalm 118:24-29

"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger and in this he brought glory to God." Romans 4:20 NLT

God told Abram that he would become the father of many nations.

And Abram believed Him.

He flat out believed God.

He just simply believed Him.

Every day he believed.

Every passing year he believed.

Every anniversary of the day on which God had made His promise, Abram believed.

Abram's belief only grew stronger as the years went by.

Does yours?

Hours after you've made a request, are you still expecting His answer?

Days after you have read one of His promises to you, are you still believing in it?

Months after?

Years after?

If we choose to believe, as Abraham did, our faith should only grow stronger and stronger the longer we wait for God to show up on the scene and do His mighty work.

It will be worth it--every moment of the waiting will be worth it!

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