Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today's reading:  Ecclesiastes 5-6

"...To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--that is indeed a gift from God."  Ecclesiastes 5:19 NLT

I can truly say of all the jobs I have, all the hats I wear, all the roles I play--I love each and every one of them!

I love being wife and mom.  I like cooking for my guys, waking them up in the mornings and spending time with them.

I love being daughter, sister, auntie and friend. 

I love the ministries I am allowed to be involved with in our church.  Learning from the other gals in Sunday School and wiping noses on Wednesday nights are some of the highlights of my week.

I love working at the lumberyard.  I've been there 20 years now and feel very much at home and have my own little family there--even the days I feel like one of the wicked stepsisters.

I love where I am in life.  I completely understand what Solomon meant by stating that a sense of peace and place is a gift from God.

I can think of no other life I would prefer to live.  No other place I'd rather be.  No other gift I would choose to receive from my Maker!

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