Friday, September 4, 2020

Today's reading: Ezekiel 33-35

"When I have ruined the land because of their disgusting sins, then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 33:29 NLT


Before I can begin to pray for my homeland...I must bow before you on behalf of my own personal sins.

The ones that make me guilty before you.

The ones that make me tolerant to the stench of indecency, ungodliness, immorality and downright wrong things.

Because, truth be told, personal sins are what have led our country to the mess its in.

The whole lot of us as citizens have piled our own sins, one on top of another, before you, like the tower of Babel.

A wreaking, smelly pile of transgressions against your Word.

And maybe, just maybe, when we, as individuals, begin to be repentantly sorry for individual sins, then our nation can begin to heal. From the inside out. From the only place true healing can come from --the soul.

I know this land won't be fixed with another election, a different political party, a change in officer or an upheaval in any law, it's only going to be changed when our hearts change. When our sins are put under the forgiving blood of our Savior.

I'm sorry God for the condition I've allowed my heart to get into, and for how it has infected my land.


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