Friday, December 11, 2020

Today's reading: Colossians 1-4

'Let your roots grown down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done." Colossians 2:7 NLT

I believe I have found the verse for 2020.

The verse God told us to prepare for.

The lifeline He knew we would need.

The words He knew we would need to heed.

The instruction He was sure would get us through what 2020 would hold for us.

Because amidst the turmoil, unrest, stress, inconvenience, fear, uncertainty, disarray, separation and disconnected worship--we had to depend upon our roots!

If your roots were not firmly anchored, you toppled this year.

If your truths were not secured in His Word, your foundation was unsettled this year.

If your world wasn't fixed completely on Him, your world was rocked this year...and not in a good way.

But in Him, we have stood.

In Him, we have continued to grow.

In Him, we have flourished.

Has it been tough? It sure has.

Has it been unlovely? I'll give that a hearty, Amen, it has!

But has He proven Himself faithful? YES!

Just like He had said He would.

That's going back to our roots.

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