Thursday, September 13, 2018

Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13

"What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT

Evidence-an outward sign; something that furnishes proof.

I love reading the 11th chapter of  Hebrews with the picture of a court room in my mind.

I see the juror's galley.

I see the judges podium.

I see the desks for the defendants and for the prosecution.

And mostly I see the pieces of evidence provided...

Exhibit #1-Abel's choice lambs.

Exhibit #2-Noah's tool pouch.

Exhibit #3-Abraham's suitcase.

Exhibit #4-Sarah's crocheted baby blanket.

Exhibit #5-Abraham's killing knife.

Exhibit #6-Isaac's blessings for his boys.

Exhibit #7-Joseph's pile of bones, packed up and ready to leave Egypt.

Exhibit #8-Jochebed's woven basket.

Exhibit #9-Rocks from the bottom of the Red Sea.

Exhibit #9-Trumpets used outside the walls of Jericho.

Exhibit #10-Rahab's red rope.

Exhibit #11-A tuft of lion's hair.

Exhibit #12-Cinders from a fiery furnace.

Evidence for us to trust God for what we cannot yet see!

When it doesn't make sense.

When it doesn't seem the least bit likely--or possible.

When the world, the enemy, the people around us, tell us it just can't happen.

There is more evidence for us to have faith in God than there is not to, every thought of that?

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