Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Today's reading: 1 Kings 5-9

"It was in midspring, during the fourth year of Solomon's reign, that he began the construction of the Temple of the Lord..." 1 Kings 6:1 NLT

The date is marked for history. It was a turning point for the followers of the Most High God. It was a place where He would reside, where He would guide them, where He could be worshipped. It was monumental in size, in architecture and in the obedience His people showed in following His instructions.

Do you remember the date you set up house for God?

If you're married, maybe it was the day of your wedding vows.

Maybe not.

Maybe it was years down the road before it became important to you.

Maybe when you were faced with insurmountable obstacles.

Maybe it happened when a devastating illness walked through the doors of your home.

Maybe it occurred when you brought home that bouncing baby boy.

Maybe it hasn't happened.

Maybe you've not set yourself and those within the walls of your home aside for Him.

Today would be a great day. Today, the 2nd of June, 2015, the year of our Lord, would be a great date to begin building up your house for Him. 

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