Today's reading: Psalm 6-8
"Arise, O Lord, in anger! Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God, and bring justice." Psalm 7:6 NLT
Very seldom do you hear someone ask God to be just in His dealings and responses.
Most of us want God to be fair, not just.
God isn't fair.
He wouldn't be God if He were.
You see, fairness primarily focuses on equality, everything being equal; while justice primarily involves rightness, everything being done in a right way.
As an example:
Fair is a baker in a small town giving loaves of bread to all people. Justice is that same local baker giving loaves of bread to those in need.
We tend to want God to answer our requests in order to make life 'fair' for us. Easier for us. More comfortable for us.
But just?
God being just in our lives might entail some conviction. Some repentance. Some withholding of blessings until we are living in godly ways. Some discipline extended in an effort to turn our hearts to Him.
May we all ask God to be just in our lives in an effort to get our hearts and minds focused squarely upon Him!