Monday, June 8, 2015

Today's reading: Leviticus 1-3

The first three chapters of Leviticus deal with the proper offerings to be brought to the Lord.

It deals with offerings from the herd and offerings from the field.

The goats out in our pasture are sad looking.

My gardening skills, even at this early part of the season, are lacking.

And to bake something from the grain I've harvested, that's laughable and not the kind of burnt offering He left instruction for.

He knew that.

When He began time, He knew that's how it would be.

When He determined the policy and privilege of sacrifices, He knew nothing I could or would bring would be enough.

So He sent Jesus!

Oh, how glad I am that Jesus came and offered a one-time, all that was needed, offering for me-- because I'm up a creek without a paddle when it comes to having something to offer.

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