Thursday, April 17, 2014

Today's reading:  Job 31-32

"...What is our inheritance from the Almighty on high?"  Job 31:2 NLT

Job was scrambling for a sure footing.

He was grasping for a toehold on a slippery downward slope.

He was viewing and reviewing his life for what ever it might be that was causing his distance from God.

His friends were attempting to help him.

And what did he come up with?


He found, after hours covered with ashes and days of pain, that life sometimes isn't fair...for the follower or for the unbeliever.

Inheritance was the only word he could use to sum up what he expected from the Almighty.  He lived right, he worshipped, he walked the straight and narrow, he had godly control of his thoughts--and what had he inherited from his efforts?

What a choice of words because inheritance only comes after a death.

Nothing here matters--it's what we receive after this life is over that counts.  The rewards, the eternal life, the blessing of His presence.

Job came to find out that life is tough, but God is good.

Have you found that to be true? 

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