Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4

Today's reading was all about genealogies.

There were no specific verses that jumped off the page at me. No profound pearls of wisdom that I am chewing on. Nothing that spoke to me in a unique or spotlighted way.

What I did see, what I hope to share with you, is that in reading through the history of families, starting with Adam, I see God at work.

I see Him in the families.

I see Him working around the families.

I see Him touching the lives of the families.

I see Him influencing the families.

I see Him rescuing the families.

I see Him using the families for His purposes.

I see Him correct the families.

I see Him applauding the families.

I see Him.

That's very reassuring to me as I pray for my family.

God is as concerned, as broken, as in love, as distraught, as hopeful, as brokenhearted and as desperate for my family as I am!

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