Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Today's reading: Judges 17-21

"So Micah ordained the Levite as his personal priest, and he lived in Micah's house. I know the Lord will bless me now, Micah said, because I have a Levite serving as my priest." Judges 17:12-13 NLT

Micah lived in a time, denoted by several passages in the book of Judges, when people did what they believed to be right in their own eyes.

Micah's belief was that if he had his own priest, paid by out of his own funds, housed in his own home, eating from his own table--then the Lord would bless him.

Maybe you're laughing at this idea?

Your own personal minister, pastor, preacher, evangelist, living with you? Walking alongside you in all that you do? Never having to leave the house for a blessing, a sermon or a quick spiritual question?

Maybe you're doing it as well, but not by having your own preacher-in-your-pocket.

Maybe you've established a few idols with which you believe the Lord will bless you because of?

The idol of church attendance.

The god of faithful volunteer.

The statue of all the checks you've written to the church.

The monument you have built with all the different Bible translations you've acquired.

The calendar you have marked with all the occasions you've delivered a meal to a needy brother or sister.

Surely the Lord will bless me now, we all say with these small gods, little idols, mini shrines.

Isn't that 'doing what is right in our own eyes'? If anything other than God holds the place of importance, worship, focus or hope in our eyes, it's an idol.

Check your 'house' for idols and personal priests lodging within the walls of your heart--I'm going to be doing the same thing!

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