Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today's reading: 1 John 4-5

"Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other." 1 John 4:11 NLT

That relative stole what was meant to be yours, love them anyway.

That person let you down--hard, love them anyway.

That friend betrayed your trust, love them anyway.

That spouse broke the vows, love them anyway.

That co-worker stabbed you in the back, love them anyway.

That sister -in-faith took credit for all your hard work, love her anyway.

That child broke your heart after all you'd done for them, love them anyway.

That pastor led a double life, love them anyway.

That church didn't support you when you needed supporting, love them anyway.

That co-parent hurt your child's heart--again, and this will be like having teeth pulled without anesthesia, love them anyway.

We broke God's heart, refused His love, re-nigged on our promises to Him, doubted His abilities, cheated on Him with another idol, refused to proclaim His name in public, let Him down with our actions, took lightly His sacrifice...and still He loves us.

How mighty is the love flowing into us--will we keep it to ourselves or allow it to flow out to others, deserving or not.

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