Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Today's reading: 1 Samuel 6-10

"...And I am here to tell you that you and your family are the focus of all Israel's hopes." 1 Samuel 9:20 NLT

To set the scene, Samuel has just anointed Saul as king over Israel.

He's the king they asked for.

He's the king they chose over God's best for them.

He's the fella that looks the part--taller and more handsome than any of the other men in Israel.

He's just what they wanted.

He's going to fill a role that makes Israel "just" like their neighbors.

SPOILER ALERT: Saul is going to let them down.

Israel's hope was in Saul, his ways, his will, his reign, his abilities.

Israel will be sorely disappointed.

As are we when ANYTHING other than God is the focus of our hope.

If God is not our hope, we will be left wanting. Every time.

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