Thursday, July 29, 2021


Today's reading: Proverbs 14-15

"The godly think before speaking; the wicked spout evil words." Proverbs 15:28 NLT

For a gal who talks, and talks a lot...this verse is high-lighted, circled, underlined, post-it noted and book marked in my Bible.

It's important that I not only have it marked in my absolute favorite book in the whole, wide world--but also have it marked in my heart.

To let its words mark my speech.

Since the first time I've read this verse, am I thinking more than talking?

Am I pausing for prayer before offering an opinion, a remark or a retort?

Am I cautious as to a comeback, an answer or a quick response?

Because if God's words aren't changing my life and how I live I am not allowing them to do the work in me He intends.

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