Saturday, August 21, 2021


Today's reading: John 7-9

"At that point they picked up stones to kill him. But Jesus hid himself from them and left the Temple." John 8:59 NLT

Confession time here.

Upon reading this verse the first time, I thought it said, Jesus 'hid himself from them in' the Temple.

Oh, my devotional-writing mind starting making its laps!

Then, I read it again.

It clearly and distinctly says, But Jesus hid himself from them and left the Temple.

You and I both know folks who are out of the church right now claiming that very verse for their mantra. Church people have hurt their feelings. Pastors have disregarded their families in one way or another. Lines of division were crossed that left people on one side of a church fence or another--leaving one group of people in the church and one group of people not in church.

But here this...

I don't believe Jesus stayed away from church completely!

I believe He left the Temple that day.

That moment.

At that that time.

Probably to pray for those who were against Him.

Quite possibly, and this is where I may be putting too much of a human-spin on Jesus, to keep from calling down lightning bolts on all those opposing Him.

The point is this: Jesus never left God's presence which will always lead us back into fellowship with God's people.

Please take that into consideration as you prepare for worship with your church family tomorrow.

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