Thursday, May 2, 2019

Today's reading:  Judges 12:8-14:20, Luke 20:27-47, Psalm 75:8-10

"Well said, Teacher! remarked some of the teachers of religious law who were standing there. And that ended their questions, no one dared to ask any more." Luke 20:40 NLT

Let's get to the nitty-gritty of these two verses...

The 'teachers of religious law' were Jesus' strongest opponents. They were out to catch Him in a slip-up. They wanted to end His following among the Jews. They were His enemies.

The question they had asked was intended to make Him look bad in front of the people. To prove He wasn't good or godly. To stump Him.

Jesus' answer caught them off guard.

He answered rightly.

He answered in a way that left them looking no farther.

Mostly, though, His response left them speechless.

Doesn't He do that to us?

When we ask the hard questions...

When we seek for the 'why'...

When we take all our emotions and feelings and throw them at His feet to sort out...

Doesn't He amaze us with His responses?

But it doesn't stop our questions, does it?

We will have others for the next set of circumstances we find ourselves in.

We will ask again when what we see doesn't line up with what we expected.

We will probe Him for answers when we don't enjoy the current season or the lesson we are to learn from it.

He doesn't mind us asking more.

As a matter of fact, if questions keep us coming to Him, He'll gladly field all we have!

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