Sunday, December 13, 2015

Today's reading: 3 John

"Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is." 3 John verse 2 NLT

Medically speaking, there are a whole lot of tests that can be run to check your physical health. Doctors recommend yearly screenings to stay ahead of lurking problems. Blood tests reveal what your fluids say is going on in your body. Xrays reveal what no one else can see.

But a soul test?

Life, I think, is the soul test.

The rough days reveal your healthy hope.

The stormy nights tell you where your peace is resting.

The hard-to-swallow circumstances test the depths of your trust in the Lord.

Your reaction to the surprises thrown your way expose whether or not you believe the Lord, truly, truly, believe the Lord.

There is no co-pay involved. No appointment necessary. No referral. No filing with insurance. No waiting in the germ-infested waiting room.

My prayer is that both your body and soul are well--exceedingly well!

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