Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today's reading:  Proverbs 22

"The rich and the poor have this in common:  The Lord made them both."  Proverbs 22:2 NLT

If I choose to look deeper, which I believe is what God intends us as Christians to do, we'll see fewer differences and more similarities in people.

The kind and the unkind were both made by God.

The saved and the unsaved were both made by God.

The lovely and the unlovable were both made by God.

The tall and the short were both made by God.

The politician and the working man were both made by God.

The man in the penthouse and the man on the street corner were both made by God.

The cute little kid and the child throwing the tantrum were both made by God.

The Christian and the Muslim were both made by God.

The saint and the alcoholic were both made by God.

We're told in John 3:16 that God has 'written no one off', who are we to do it based on our shallow views of another? 

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