Friday, December 3, 2021

Today's reading: Revelation 1-6

"You have patiently suffered for me without quitting." Revelation 2:3 NLT

God had quite a bit to say to the church in Ephesus through John's writing.

He knew how hard they had worked.

He knew all about their patient endurance.

He knew their desire to check out apostles against God's standards not just how their sermons tickled their ears.

He also knew that their hearts were wandering away from Him. From their first love.

But still He commended them on not quitting.

He saw their efforts. He saw their deeds. He saw their determination and drive. He saw their dedication to Him and to His work.

He noticed it.

He notices yours, too.

On the days when the sun hides from view--He sees you continue on in faith.

In the early morning hours when you're not feeling so Christlike--He sees you spend a little time with Him in order for Him to do a makeover on you.

In the circumstances when you don't see Him at work--but you trust Him anyway.

On the days when the Bible doesn't speak to you, spark your interest or inspire you to great things--He sees you pick it up anyway, in honor of Him, in hopes of hearing from Him, in a desire to please Him.

He sees that you haven't quit!

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