Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's reading:  Numbers 21-24

"Then the Lord caused the donkey to speak..."  Numbers 22:28 NLT

Balaam's donkey.

An often overlooked miracle in the Bible.

A seldom used Bible lesson.

A captivating account of God directing the path of one of His.

I need a talking donkey in my life!

A friend mentioned it yesterday in Sunday School class and I will quote it here:  I don't function well in the gray areas.

I wouldn't mind the liver being scared out of my if one of our farm animals were to divulge to me God's will.

I wouldn't mind taking over the feeding chores in exchange for direction and guidance.

I wouldn't mind donning the rubber boots and sloshing through the muck in the barnyard if I knew one of the creatures might point me in the right way for God's will to be done by me, through me and for me.

But I realize I have a better chance of knowing by listening for the Lord.  Reading and re-reading His Word.  Watching intently for where He's at work--and joining Him there.

Maybe I'll get my talking donkey.  Or maybe a billboard.  Or maybe a message in a bottle.  Or maybe I'll hear His strong sure voice when I need it the most!

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