Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Today's reading: Judges 1-6

"Then the Lord turned to him and said, Go with the strength you have and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!" Judges 6:14 NLT

I am so very blessed to be surrounded by some amazing people!

Wise friends. Godly mentors. Beautiful ladies. Courageous men. Loving hearts. Wonderful parents. Talented artists. Thoughtful workers. Strong fighters. Faith-filled warriors.

There are days when the whispers of my enemy divert my attention off the blessing of having them and cause me to question myself. My inadequacies. My weaknesses. My faults. My character flaws.

I'm not them.

I'm not as smart as some.

I'm not as thin as some.

I'm not as courageous as some.

I'm not as godly as some.

My home is not as neat and tidy as some.

My child is not as well mannered as some.

I think that's why God said to Gideon what He said. For me. For this morning. For this time in my life.

'Go with the strength YOU have...I am sending YOU.

My great friends and acquaintances have not been called to be me, to fight the battles God has selected me to fight or to celebrate the victories He has gifted me with.

My strengths are not their strengths.

I can burden myself with comparisons or I can celebrate what He has specially ordained me to do and to be!

 Until a man is nothing God can make nothing of him. - Martin Luther

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