Sunday, July 5, 2020

Today's reading: Proverbs 18-20

"How can we understand the road we travel? It is the Lord who directs our steps." Proverbs 20:24 NLT

Maybe like me, you have your week ahead planned out.

What you'll be doing...

Where you'll be going...

What you'll be eating...

Who you'll be seeing...

What you'll be accomplishing...

And like me, you've probably had experiences where your plans were not completed as you had laid out.

Things came up...

Things came undone...

Things surprised you...

Things escalated into emergencies...

We think we know what we need to prepare for, how we might handle situations as they arrive, but it is the Lord who knows.

We see the current, in our self-contained abilities. He sees all. Past. Present. Future.

We cannot understand this road we're traveling because we don't see the road map. We don't know the hills and turns ahead of us.

The Lord does. We can trust Him.

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