Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Samuel 1-4

"When Ishbosheth heard about Abner's death at Hebron, he lost all courage, and his people were paralyzed with fear." 2 Samuel 4:1 NLT

Fear can do one of two things to our bodies and to our minds: paralyze us OR push us forward.

I'm sure you've seen it happen in your own life.

Have you come across a snake while gardening? What was your response? Did you run screaming or were you scared to the point you couldn't make a muscle move if you tried?

The Israelites moving through the desert could have pitched their tents permanently, but they chose to keep moving.

The disciples processing their missions after the Cross could have holed up and quieted down, but they chose to move forward--carrying the Gospel message eventually to us.

So today, you too, have a choice...

Whatever has blindsided you. Surprised you. Caught you completely off guard. Had to be added to the lovely plan you had written out. Knocked the props out from under you.

Whatever it is, you have a choice. Let it paralyze you OR let it push you forward into God's arms, God's will, God's purpose, God's plan.

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