Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today's reading: John 16-18

"Yes, I'm telling you these things now, so that when they happen, you will remember I warned you..." John 16:4 NLT

He told you in His Word it probably wouldn't be a rose garden. Worth it, yes. Truly enjoyable at all times, no.

He told you in His Word the road you'd travel would not be easy. Straight and narrow, yes. Easy, no.

He told you in His Word that every day would not be sunny. That He was in control of every day, yes. Sunny all the time, no

He told you that if you lived for Him you wouldn't be the life of the party in the worlds' eyes. His, yes. Pleasing to the world, no.

He told you health, wealth and happiness might not come your way. Love, comfort and peace, yes. Heaven, yes. Eternity, yes. The life of leisure, no.

He warned us. He told us. He wrote to us. He spoke to our hearts. He has allowed you to watch testimonies being built from the ground up in the lives of saints and new believers.

Don't you remember?

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