Monday, September 14, 2020

Today's reading: Hosea 1-4

"...Longing after idols has made them foolish." Hosea 4:12 NLT

Hosea was called to prophesy to Israel during a dark time in their history when they had walked away from God and sought after idols of every sort--hoping to find all God had offered them.

And their pursuit had left them high and dry, empty, alone, more desperate, worse off than ever.

But when one is idol worshipping, one doesn't realize it.

It's fun at first. It's an adventure. It's something new and exciting. Something different. Something maybe easier. Something possibly more to one's natural bent.

Then it becomes more entangling. Requires more effort. More thought. More time. More of one's self.

Then it begins to strangle. Choke. Control. Rein. Master. Lord over you. 

That's the point at which you realize what you thought was serving you well is not--but having you serve it.

Idol worship makes us look foolish.

Take a prayerful, God-led look at what's leading you. What's filling your thoughts. What's consuming your mind. It just might be an idol setting itself up on a shelf in your life for worship...

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