Saturday, October 10, 2020

Today's reading: Matthew 23-24

"Blind Pharisees! First wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean, too." Matthew 23:25 NLT



Make-up applied.

Hair blown dry, straightened where cowlicks need tamed and sprayed into place.

A once over in the full-length mirror reveals that the outside is ready for public viewing...

Now to the inside.

Time to open my head and heart to the Lord.

For Him to look over, re-make and to re-model.

For Him to add His finishing touches before I step out into the world.

To fill my heart and mind with His words.

To re-work any wrong thinking I have latched onto.

To remove any bitterness or anger I have harbored in my heart.

To let go of anything that's going to keep me from representing Him well when I step outside--no matter what the 'outside of my cup' looks like.

Time with Him cleans the inside of me.

It will do the same for you.

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