Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 119

"Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found." Psalm 119:35 NLT


Interestingly, this psalmist chose to ask You to 'make me walk along the path of Your commands'.

Not just help me.

Not just nudge me in the right direction.

Not just provide suggestions.

He's asked that You not only give him direction, but that You insure by Your might, Your ways and Your order of the universe, he will follow Your commands.

He's asking, in my own terms, that You not leave it up to him.

I get that, Lord.

I cannot be trusted, even on the days when my resolve is steeled, to follow You.

I have the want to.

I am aware that it's the best for me.

I've seen it lived out.

But I cannot do it on my own. Every day. For very long. Without wavering.

So Lord, MAKE me walk along the path of Your commands.

Make me go ONLY where it is You would have me go.

Make me do ONLY what it is You want me to do.

Make me hear ONLY Your voice.

Make me desire ONLY You.

I don't want self-control, I want You in control.

Please, Lord--for the honor of Your name.


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