Monday, September 12, 2016

Today's reading: Numbers 17-20

"But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!" Numbers 20:12 NLT

If Moses, the Moses, the floated on the Nile, was used to release God's children, parted the Red Sea, watched manna float down from the sky, was given opportunity to speak to God in the Tabernacle, Moses, were sitting with me this morning and I took the time to interview him, this is how it might play out...

Me: Moses, if you had the opportunity to sum up your life in a short sentence or two, what might you say?

Moses: I would say to read Numbers 20:12.

Me: If you could wrap up your testimony into a neat little package, what might that package include?

Moses: It would contain the words of Numbers 20:12.

Me: If you could direct another's life according to what you have seen, heard and learned, what would tell them?

Moses: I would tell them to spend some time studying Number 20:12.

Me: Great man of God, leader of an entire nation, patriarch of faith, do you have a defining moment in your life?

Moses: Numbers 20:12.

I'm touched this morning by what all I might be missing out on because of my lack of faith. Where am I no longer allowed to go with God because of my faithlessness? At the end of my life, when I get to the point where I should be tying up my ministry with a neat little bow, what will be affected by my choice not to trust Him?

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