Saturday, May 24, 2014

Today's reading:  Luke 5-6

"When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, Oh, Lord, please leave me--I'm too much of a sinner to be around you.  For he was awestruck by the size of their catch, as were others with him."  Luke 5:8-9 NLT


It hits different people in different ways.

Might be an amazing view.

Could be the face of a loved one.

A miracle of nature.

An opportunity of a lifetime.

For these men, it was a large catch of fish...and the presence of the Lord.

I'm no fisher-person, so a large, wiggly mass of water creatures would not strike me as amazing in any way, but that's OK.

You see, He allows glimpses of Himself to each and every one of us in creative ways.  Ways that will touch individual hearts.  Instances that speak personally and privately.

I've been awestruck this week by His provision...and His humor...and His love...and His simplicity...and His ways.

What has knocked my socks off this week would have probably gone under your radar, and that's quite alright--you see, it was for me, not for you!

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