Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Today's reading: Romans 13-16

"So it is right for me to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me in my service to God." Romans 15:17 NLT

Enthusiasm-filled with or marked by a strong excitement or feeling; deeply inspired; filled with fervor.

I can be enthusiastic about my favorite team--Go Pens!

I can be enthusiastic about my favorite food--Yum, pizza!

I can be enthusiastic about my pride and joy--Yeah for you, Isaiah!

I can be enthusiastic about my absolute favorite book in the whole, wide world--Hooray for the Bible!

I can be enthusiastic about all Jesus has done for me!

But am I?

Do I celebrate, talk about, elaborate on and gush over all God's gift of salvation has done in, through and for me?

What am I spending my enthusiasm on?

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