Monday, January 2, 2023


Today's reading: Genesis 1-3

"Now the serpent was the shrewdest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. Really? he asked the woman..." Genesis 3:1 NLT

On day two of this New Year, I want to give you a challenge.

The mission, if you choose to accept it, will encompass the truth in today's verse, will require a little gumption on your part and will undoubtedly cause you to end the year in a much better place than where you started it.

The challenge: Stop listening to the serpent!

He still speaks today. He causes doubts and fears. He questions all we know to be true about God. He plants seeds of discord, bitterness and hate. He lies, cheats and steals.

So--for the remaining 363 days of 2023, check the return address on each and every thought that comes your way. 

If it sounds like it's coming from God--follow it. 

If it sounds like it might be coming from the shrewdest creature God ever created--return it to its sender!

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