Monday, February 20, 2017

Today's reading: Genesis 28-31

"This place was also called Mizpah, for Laban said, May the Lord keep watch between us to make sure that we keep this treaty when we are out of each other's sight." Genesis 31:49 NLT

Laban and Jacob were parting ways after twenty years of a close working friendship and being in-laws.

Laban was watching as Jacob left his home country with Laban's two girls and grandchildren, going to a place where God was worshiped.

Laban was scrupulous in his business dealings but wanted to know, to know with no doubt in his mind what so ever, that his family would be cared for.

This place, this fork in the road, was re-named Mizpah as a reminder to both Laban and to Jacob of their agreement to care for each other's blessings even when parted by miles.

We need that in our churches.

We need to be held accountable to each other in regards to the requests we ask prayer for, the burdens we share and the help we admit we need on Sundays.

A family is a family whether or not we see each other every day...or just every Sunday and Wednesday night.

Mizpah reminds me of that, does it remind you, too?

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