Friday, January 25, 2013

Today's reading:  Isaiah 18-22

All day long I hear Satan yammering in my ear.

He reminds me of every sin I've committed.  He proceeds to point out every flaw in character I possess.  He consistently distracts me from what I know with what he'd like me to believe.

His words are sometimes soft and convincing.  At times he yells, pushing my buttons and causing an unlovely reaction.

He likes to commandeer the conversation. 

Not any more!

I'm telling him just what Isaiah told his enemies...

"I see an awesome vision; I see you plundered and destroyed..."  Isaiah 21:1 NLT

I'm going to win.  Not based on any of my strengths, strategies or skills but by the grace of my Savior and Friend--Jesus Christ.

Satan has lost and I believe it's high time I begin to break the news to him or remind him of that simple but, oh so, relevant fact. 

It's my turn to speak, so sit down and listen you lying fallen angel!

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